Mahogany Dresser Project

dressers for a bedroom set. There are two, one for each side of the entertainment center.
They will be built in the chippendale style to match the other pieces
This page details the entire process from design to completion.

This is the beginning of the process. I always plan on paper before I cut any wood.

Another shot of plans.

I built theses legs for this project about 2 years ago when I started the entertainment center project.
It was easier to make them all at once .

This is the lower base frame.
It will have the legs attached under it and the carcass of the dresser to the top of it.

Here's a close up of the cove at the outside of the base frame.

These are all the frame pieces...I'm trying something I've never done
Finishing all the pieces before I assemble.

Here's a finished side panel.

The next pics show the process of attaching the frames to the sides.

Did you notice the slots in the frame pieces where they are screwed to the sides.
They allow the sides to expand and contract as the humidity changes.

Here's the finished assembly. The drawers are done the same as the entertainment center.
You can check it out on the projects page.
This piece took second place in the Furniture Master catagory at the 2008 Excellence in wood show.

Just to prove I built two here they are next to the entertainment center...
This completes the bedroom set....

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